Release notes
Local archive activation/deactivation in Archive Viewer.
Archive DB export with duplicate channel UUID's.
Deadlock on camera maximization.
Crash on decoder disposal.
GPIO system.
Archive creation wizard on Linux.
Patrol plugin.
Archive Sync plugin.
ANPR events.
Option for wall-mounted fisheye cameras.
Face recognition SMART mode.
Groups in Archive Viewer.
Camera selection mode to HIT Plan.
Custom buttons in WEB view.
Event and reaction logging.
DVR custom archive plugin.
Hikvision ANPR plugin.
Apply to... dialog window.
Network cameras binding in Hit Plan.
Crash in archive sync plugin.
Hit Plan crash if background image resolution was larger than 4096x4096.
Fast archive invalid period length.
Hit Plan opened cameras on invalid monitor.
Mouse clicks handling in Hit Plan.
Keyframe playback on speed >= 10x.
Network cameras projections.
Network cameras retranslation.
PTZ presets in Events and Reactions.
Checkpoint Gates support.
Netowk GPIO.
Configuration file recovery after Windows update event.
Archive synchronization hangs.
Archive synchronization performance.
Increased network archive server-side queue size.
Crash in Patrol plugin.
Uncorrect synchronization initiation.
Synchronized Archive unplayable gaps.
Option to convert RTSP camera to OnVif camera and vice-versa.
Option to copy custom layouts to other monitors.
Patrol plugin crashes.
Network camera restranslation through WEB interface.
Projections maximization on network clients.
Network camera duplication event handling.
Partizan RTSP urls.
Plan configurator.
Patrol plugin event handling.
Archive Synchronization plugin status WEB page.
Archive Synchronization plugin performance.
WEB session performance.
Raw archive data export hangups.
Option to apply camera permissions to other cameras.
Deadlock in client connection.
Deadlock in Message box reaction.
Calendar in fast archive.
Crash on OnVif camera disposal.
Drag'n'Drop in archive viewer.
Cameras not shown in service client if they were not configured for streaming.
Deadlock in Patrol plugin.
Crash in web client connection.
Crash while shutting down core with connected WebSockets.
Client-Server latency detection.
HIT Plan configurator.
Mpeg4 export bitrate.
Camera maximization on WEB view
Hella APC plugin.
Custom layouts.
OnVif video stream configurator.
Patrol plugin.
HIT ANPR interoperability.
Archive audio channel export.
Beam cross detector plugin.
Window restore to fullscreen.
Minimonitor restore.
Service locale was not applied to service client.
Exported AVI file compatibility issues.
Service configurator hangups.
Archive state serialization.
Unfinished archive index was not saved in cache.
Jumping back and forth fast archive cursor on network cameras.
Crash on RAW archive export.
Excessive logging on RAW archive export.
Crash on network server connection loss.
Initialization of unconfigured layouts.
Incorrect decoder reuse by different cameras with same UUID.
Archive viewer crash on channel maximization.
Incorrectly added DVR cameras to service client connections.
Option to recover archive state on every startup.
New archive synchronization plugin.
Partizan DVR support.
Log widget performance.
Archive reader RAW read performance.
Removal of cameras and issue reactions in Patrol plugin.
AVI export crash.
Basic domain style remote configuration.
Connected archives sorting in archive viewer.
Dates filter in archive viewer.
Ability to view Cortex/Trikdis plugin connection in connections window.
Option not to log camera detector events.
Selected fast archive length persistance.
Alarm blocks in Patrol plugin.
Camera Offline messages in web view.
Decoder utilization.
Latest recording availability in fast archive.
Web serverside API.
Invalid user permissions.
Default AVI export file name.
Network camera server-side online status.
HIT VMS to Trikdis messages.
Events filtering by name.
GUI scale option.
Issue with jumping dates in archive viewer.
POS plugin incorrect DB connection sequence.
Incorrect behaviour of "Add new event and reaction" dialog.
Deadlock in DB.
Incorrect archive access permissions.
Application startup time.
Application shutdown time.
Application responsiveness, while People counter uploading data to database.
Archive viewer responsiveness with large channel count.
Archive viewer behaviour, while maximizing channel.
Server-side streaming bottleneck.
Patrol plugin improvements.
Streaming transfer limit.
Race condition in log database.
Incorrect handling of double quotes in camera name.
Race condition in packet queue.
Race condition in disabled reactions.
Possible archive viewer deadlocks.
Patrol plugin log.
Incorrect archive dates in calendar, when days limit is used.
Service clients now aware of service license features.
POS View only mode.
Service client audio.
Finishing record on camera disconnect.
POS DB synchronization.
Task end event.
Crash, related to camera groups.
Tasks not working in service client mode.
Task startup behaviour.
Per user archive view limit in days.
Incorrect duplicated camera remove timeout.
Duplicate plugin loading.
Service client audio.
Multiple assignments of single widget to single camera.
Applying settings, closes the archive viewer.
Remote archive synchronization.
Current frame saving.
Crash on settings reload or application shutdown.
Duplicate window now stays on top of all VMS windows.
Event and reaction script editing.
Do not allow any layout modification if layout changes disabled for current user.
Touchscreen support.
Custom button grouping.
Startup window mode.
Inaccessible buttons on toolbar in full-screen mode.
Deadlock on client disconnection.
Index recovery speedup.
Drag'n'Drop issue.
Invalid frame time on frame saved from fast archive.
Exported AVI files now can be played with MPC.
License key synchronization.
Index recovery now recovers cache.
Crash when playing fast archive.
Crash when exporting AVI.